Equipment Rental Services



 Mrs. Duangthip Eamrungroj    Miss Walairat Pongjitt
Mrs. Duangthip Eamrungroj
นางดวงทิพย์ เอี่ยมรุ่งโรจน์
  Miss Walairat Pongjitt
นางวไลรัตน์ ผ่องจิตต์
Mrs. Pensri Dejting-eng   Miss Wanna Kolsrichai
Mrs. Pensri Dejting-eng
นางเพ็ญศรี เดชติ่งเอง
  Miss Wanna Kolsrichai
น.ส.วรรณา คลศรีชัย





















At the Premier Group, our philosophy is best defined as “working to achieve the harmonious alignment of success.” It is our belief that everything is inter-connected, so that if our business is to achieve the goals we’ve set, we need the support and cooperation of everyone involved. At Premier we work hard to maintain the perfect balance between the interests of our business, and those of society and our employees because this is the key to long-term success for everyone.

At the Premier Group, we apply this philosophy to our six major units: consumer product business; real estate and hotel group business; information technology business; financial service car rental and transportation service business; environmental business and social sustainability development. In all of these areas, our concern is not just for what is good for our business, but what’s good for society, the local communities and the people who work for us. This is the balance that will lead to sustainable, long-term success.

There are five core values that underlie everything we do.

  1. Quality : To assure quality improvement in all aspects
  2. Creativity : To Adopt New Ideas that Promote Sustainable Development
  3. Mutual Benefit : To work for the mutual benefit of our staffs, organization and society
  4. Collaboration : To promote collaboration between teams to maximize efficiency
  5. Moral & Ethics :  To uphold moral and ethical standards and the beauty of the Thai identity

A commitment to these core values will steer the Premier Group to the fulfillment of our vision: To be leading Thai corporation that enhances society, promotes organization and motivates staff to achieve sustainable success and harmony.


เพราะความสำเร็จไม่สามารถสร้างได้ด้วยตัวคนเดียว ธุรกิจย่อมไม่สามารถดำรงอยู่ได้หากมุ่งหวังเพียงผลกำไรขององค์กร โดยขาดการสร้างคุณค่าสู่สังคมและพนักงาน ตลอดระยะเวลากว่า 40 ปีกลุ่มบริษัทพรีเมียร์ได้ยึดถือปฏิบัติตามแนวคิด “ความสำเร็จร่วมกันอย่างยั่งยืน” สิ่งที่ดีต่อธุรกิจต้องสร้างคุณค่าต่อสังคมและพนักงานของเรา จึงจะถือเป็นความสำเร็จที่ยั่งยืนอย่างแท้จริง
ธุรกิจของเรามิได้คำนึงถึงเพียงประโยชน์ทางธุรกิจที่กลุ่มบริษัทฯจะได้รับ แต่ยังคำนึงถึงประโยชน์ที่สังคม ชุมชน รวมทั้งพนักงานจะได้รับร่วมกันอันนำไปสู่ความสมดุลและยั่งยืน
ในกระบวนการทำงานของกลุ่มบริษัทพรีเมียร์ เรามีคุณค่าหลัก 5 ประการเป็นแนวทาง อันประกอบด้วย
  1. คุณภาพ (Quality) “มุ่งมั่นพัฒนาคุณภาพในทุกด้าน”
  2. ความคิดสร้างสรรค์ (Creativity) “ใช้แนวความคิดใหม่ๆ เพื่อการพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่องและยั่งยืน”
  3. ประโยชน์ร่วมกัน (Mutual Benefit) “ดำเนินธุรกิจในรูปแบบที่ได้ประโยชน์ร่วมกัน”
  4.  ผสานความรู้ (Collaboration) “ผสานความรู้และความสามารถเพื่อร่วมคิดร่วมสร้าง”
  5.  คุณธรรมจริยธรรม (Moral & Ethics) “ยึดหลักคุณธรรม จริยธรรมและวิถีไทยที่ดีงาม  
ซึ่งแนวคิดและคุณค่าหลักนี้จะนำพาให้กลุ่มบริษัทพรีเมียร์บรรลุวิสัยทัศน์ในการเป็นกลุ่มบริษัทไทยที่เป็นผู้นำในการทำธุรกิจที่ประสบความสำเร็จทั้งในด้านสังคม องค์กรและพนักงาน เพื่อสร้างความสุขที่ยั่งยืนร่วมกันให้เป็นจริง

<Thai version>
Premier Technology Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries operate businesses under Premier Group’s business philosophy of “Harmonious Alignment for Success,” which is our “Core Value” to which the Company adheres to focus on operating businesses. The Company emphasizes the importance of corporate good governance under the management framework of business integrity, transparency, and accountability. The Company, therefore, issues the policy to prevent the risk of corruption in all forms within the Company and for directors, management, employees, as well as any persons undertaking for the Company’s benefits to comply with the as practical norm.
“Fraud” means unlawful acts in any form in order to seek unjust or illegal gains, including performing or failure to perform in the position or duty or performing or failure to perform in any manner that may lead others to believe that he or she has a position or duty even though he or she does not have such position or duty or abuse of entrusted power in a position or duty to secure illegal gains for oneself or others, for the sake of family, relatives or friends, public funds misappropriation and the use of patronage system and other injustices that undermine fairness and legitimacy both legally and socially.
“Corruption” means any performing or refraining from performing the duties or abusing power in performing duties in order to obtain benefits in any form of giving, offering to give, promising to give, demanding or accepting anything whether in the form of cash, cash equivalent or any other benefit without any right and against morality, ethics, laws, rules, regulations and policy, to government agencies or any persons undertaking businesses with the Company or Group of Companies, either within or outside the country, in order to obtain unlawful benefits to companies, individuals or connected persons.
“Hiring government officials/government employees” means employment of any person who is current or former government official/politician/counselor of government agencies to work for the Company and may rely on relationships or inside information for the benefit of the Company or cause a conflict of interest in the performance of duties of government agencies or business regulatory bodies with companies under their supervision with the aim of gaining unfair business advantages or setting policies to benefit the private company with whom the former government officials works.
“Facilitation Payment” means an unofficial payment made to government officials, organizations, or any agencies for the purpose of undertaking or expediting their performance, for example, application for licenses, certificates, receipts of public services, orders of goods and services, etc.
“Political Contribution” means any support of the activities of political parties, politicians, or other similar activities, whether it is financial or benefit in any form, either directly or indirectly.
“Bribery” means the offering of any item of value, gifts or benefits to any person for performing or refraining from their duties, whether such performance is under the duties or not, as a means of influencing the bribable actions, against the laws, ethics, or code of conduct, either directly or indirectly.
“Employee” means employees as follows:
1) Employees who work for the Company on an indefinite contract, including permanent employees and employees on probation.
2) Employees who work for the Company according to the fixed-term employment contract.
1.   Directors, management, and employees of the Company are prohibited from performing, accepting, or supporting corruption in any form, whether directly and indirectly as well as reviews of guidelines to conform and ensure compliance with the policy, practices, regulations, rules, notifications, laws, and business changes.
2   The Company encourages and supports stakeholders such as related customers, business partners, contractors or sub-contractors in having guidelines against corruption similar to Company. Regular reviews on compliance with the anti-corruption policy shall be made.
3.   The anti-corruption standard is part of business operation and it is the duty and responsibility of the Company’s board of directors, management, supervisors, employees at all levels, and suppliers or sub-contractors to express their opinion regarding the practice on the implementation of the anti-corruption actions to ensure achievement of compliance with the policy set.
4.   The Company formulates its anti-corruption measures in accordance with related laws, including the principles of morals. Risk assessment will be conducted on activities that are related or at risk for corruption and the results were used in preparing the operating guidelines for all related parties.
5.   The Company does not have any policies of offering or charitable contributions to politicians or political contributions.
6.   The Company does not have any policy of offering gifts to customers or business partners, hiring government officials/government employees, or undertaking any actions to encourage bribery in any form, activity as well as not have any policy of giving or accepting gifts, facilitation payment, entertaining or accepting entertainment and/or offering money for purpose of influencing the government officials or private sectors to facilitate or undertake inappropriate actions.
7.   The Company provides appropriate internal control with regular reviews in order to prevent improper actions of employees in every business units.
8.   The Company provides anti-corruption knowledge to directors, management, and employees to promote integrity, honesty, and awareness of responsibility in fulfilling their duties and to communicate the Company’s commitment to anti-corruption.
9.   The Company provides mechanisms for transparent and accurate financial reporting.
10.   10. The Company provides various communication channels for employees and stakeholders to notify and report suspicious circumstances with the confidence of being protected from punishment, unfair transfer, or harassment in any way, as well as appoint person(s) to investigate and monitor the complaints.

The Company will review the Anti-corruption Policy every 2 years. This Policy will be in effect until it is amended.

The Company wishes all personnel of the Company and subsidiaries including stakeholders adhere to anti-corruption for social sustainable permanently.


Announced on November 8, 2023.

Premier Technology Public Company Limited and its Subsidiary, Datapro Computer Systems Co., Ltd.("the Company"), are committed to conducting business under the spirit of "Harmonious Alignment of Success." From adopting 5 core values, including quality, creativity, morality, coordination, and mutual benefit, to promote and to encourage employees to implement, disseminate, and expand the benefits to stakeholders in the business chain, both inside and outside the organization, that depends on each other. Hence, if you want your business to be successful in the long run, there must be 3 main components that can grow together. The Company believes that the balance will result in the Company's business growing strongly and sustainably.
   1) Business that has progressed
   2) Employees who are happy and feel secure in their work
   3) Sustainable growth in society and the surrounding environment
or “The Harmonious Alignment of Success”
CSR Cycle
Business operations to create sustainable success together: The Company has continuously adhered to business practices to make sustainable mutual success for over 20 years by creating engagement within and with organizations and individuals in many sectors. Today, the United Nations has urged all countries worldwide to set a common SDG goal (Sustainable Development Goals), which Goal 17 outlines for cooperation to achieve the "Partnership for the Goals." This means the collaboration of all parties to reach the 16 goals set in all issues.
Employees with creating sustainable togetherness: The Company values employees who drive core values practices through work with a sample project, “Serious people will not be indifferent”, which opens a safe space for employees to use their creativity, create cooperation, find new ways to solve social and environmental problems, and take action. The Company has supported resources such as funds, time, and knowledge to allow employees to develop projects by integrating expertise and cooperation within and outside the organization. In addition, the Company has also received the results of encouraging employees to create sustainable mutual success from other projects.

Engagement mechanisms for sustainable social development : Continuous integration of social development concepts into business operations The Company has contributed capital of 5% of net profit Human Resources various channels/mechanisms to support the operations of various foundations to work together to solve social problems in a variety of issues and expand the results with the development of mechanical tools to create engagement with a large number of people to create the power to create systemic change leading to sustainable social development

further expansion



Premier Technology PCL convened the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 2013 on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 the Meeting Room No. 501, 5th Floor Premier Corporate Park,Srinakarin Road, Bangkok.

DCS is selected as the first Cloud Provider in Thailand for OfficeAbility by Mai Thai Enterprises.

Software Park, Bangkok, April 23rd, 2013 - Mr. Harin Upara, Managing Director of Datapro Computer Systems Co., Ltd. and Mr. Marlon McMartin, Managing Director of Mai Thai Enterprises Co., Ltd., have announced their cooperation for launching OfficeAbility in Thailand. Through this cooperation, DCS will be the first Cloud data center services and marketing provider in Thailand for OfficeAbility, which is Enterprise Social Media Software-as-a-Service (SAAS).

Over 350 existing customers in professional multimedia solutions are invited to join the Panasonic Display Open House 2013, Pro Display Elegance to experience the latest technologies of Panasonic display at Crystal Grand Ballroom, Crystal Design Center

DCS joint the 4th MUICT Job & Education Fair  to open the job opportunities for the student at Mahidol University, Salaya, Nakornpathom Province.

DCS joint the 4th MUICT Job & Education Fair  to open the job opportunities for the student at Mahidol University, Salaya, Nakornpathom Province.

DCS joint the CE Smart career fair at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. DCS also hosted a session to share the working live in IT territory for the student to better understand the IT career path.

DCS positions itself as a service company. Consulting role is an important part of our professional services. In order to enable enterprises to deploy their IT successfully, DCS does not only offer our best products for the enterprise but also offers our consulting services to make sure that all IT investment can maximize its value.

Besides, DCS also provides the following services to cover the IT management :

  • ITIL Consulting & & BMC Software Professional Services
  • Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Plan
  • Penetration Testing
  • Security Assessment
  • Network Infrastructure
  • IT Security Policy Development 


DCS provides professional engineers to support system, network and also service desk support staff. This is to free the worry of IT professionals turn over in your organizaation.


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  Head Office :
  Premier Place Bldg
  Srinakarin Road

  Branch I : Bangkok Insurance Bldg
  South Sathorn Road

  Eastern Expansion
  Lifespace, Pintong Industrial Estate
  4th Floor, Room No. B401
  789/283 Moo 1 Nong Kham,
  Sriracha, Chon Buri, Thailand 20230



DCS is the leading Enterprise IT Solutions and Services Provider in Thailand. We provide services under world class standard quality ISO 20000 (IT Service Management) and ISO 27001(Information Security Management).